How To Get Out Of A Funk

How to get out of a funk … because we’ve ALL been there. I think a person would be lying if they said they were never in a funk.

I’ve been in a funk lately, both creatively and spiritually. I’ve felt like I’m just going through the motions and stuck in a routine — not to say that routines are bad, but that I can go through the motions and cycles without any enjoyment. Especially spiritually, a spiritual funk to be exact. Sometimes, I feel like I go through the motions in my quiet time routine.

So … how do I get out of a funk?? Um, a lot of prayer, and TIME, but here are a few other ways that help me out of a funk.


I hate to admit it, but I don’t journal every day. But when I do feel myself slipping into a funk, I open the journal and start to write. Whether it’s free writing whatever I’m feeling, or listing out all of the things I’m grateful for or what I’ve accomplished, I always feel better once I journal. Sometimes, it isn’t always a quick fix, but once I get back into a journaling habit, I feel better.

Pray + Spend Time With God.

I like to have my quiet time in the mornings, but when I get in a deep funk or anxious thoughts, I try to make it a strong habit to run to God in prayer first. This isn’t always easy, as I sometimes to turn to other coping mechanisms, but that’s what habits are for. Prayer is so important in everything that we do … it reminds me of the verse in Philippians 4:6-8.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

It is VITAL that you stick to a consistent sleep schedule — especially when you’re feeling “off” or in a funk. Go to bed early, set your phone down, and maybe read before bed. Get up early, don’t sleep in (or do, for just a few extra minutes), and wake up at a consistent time each morning.

Eat healthy.

I get it — “cheat meals” are fun and I am ALL for ordering takeout (for me, Chipotle), but when you’re in a funk, cooking a healthy meal even if it’s putting together a salad from Trader Joe’s is what I need to get out of a funk. Eating “junk” makes me even more sluggish and all I want to do is be horizontal on the couch. It doesn’t have to be lettuce 24/7, but try and eat something healthy instead of “junk.”

Make time for friends.

Community is important; we are wired for community. When I’m feeling in a funk, even if it’s just a text or phone call, it always makes me feel even the slightest better. Schedule a lunch or dinner or movie out with friends.

Read a good book.

Reading is always fun — pick up one of the books that you started a while ago.