How To Feel Creative When You're Feeling Burnt Out

I want to preface this blog post by saying that I am not an expert on mental health and burnout. These tips, yes, do come from the Internet and my own personal research because surprise, I have felt burnout (and honestly, still a little bit now). These tips have helped me, when I’ve felt burnt out. When you’re burnt out, especially as a creative person who writes and edits and creates, it’s hard to keep on creating. It sucks. It frankly, sucks.

If you’re burnt out, just know that you’re not alone in this feeling, and it will pass. I hope these tips help you. But I also encourage you to do your own research on not only what burnout is, what it can look like, but also what you can do as an individual going through this.

Stick to your routines 

When I’m feeling burnt out, it can be easy to just … do nothing. (And sometimes, doing nothing is the perfect solution to burnout.) For some, it can be easy to just drill down and get everything done while running on fumes. But if you’re like me, all you have energy for is to just lie in bed and scroll through TikTok. As hard it may be, stick to your routines. Nothing more, nothing less—just continue to run through your routines. It can seem like you’re running through the motions like a mindless robot, so maybe don’t be a mindless robot, but instead focus on the things that you’re doing. While you’re cooking, watch a fun YouTube video that brings you joy and laughter. When you’re doing the dishes, or your skincare routine at the end of the day, listen to a podcast. When you’re doing a tedious task at work, listen to an album that brings you joy. 

And consider changing your routine only a little 

And maybe, for you, try changing your routine a bit—and only a little. If you work out at the end of your workday, change your workout routine. Try a different workout class. Go to the grocery store before work instead of after work. Read a different book genre than you’re used to. Switch up your routine only a little bit so you’re not overwhelmed with adapting to a new routine, but shift your routine so you’re not doing the same thing on repeat. Your brain will like and appreciate this change. 

Do the things that you love to do 

This is a no-brainer, but honestly, it’s hard to remember when you’re burnt out and stressed. But focus on the things that bring you joy. For me? I love (like really love) reading romance novels in my free time. That truly brings me joy. And listening to Taylor Swift and Disney Channel nostalgia. These can be simple things that bring you joy. Make this list of things that bring you joy. Keep doing these things that bring you joy … and just keep doing them

Change up your scenery 

Change your routine, but also change up your scenery when you’re feeling burnt out. Most times, the one thing you really need is to switch up where you’re working. If you’re working on writing your novel, and you are stuck with a major case of writer’s block, maybe visit a coffee shop. Or maybe you’re stuck at the coffee shop—go back home and get in your comfy pjs. Change up your workspace. 

Be patient with yourself

Rome wasn’t built in a day, or as I like to call it, the Twilight series wasn’t written in a day (even though I definitely read the Twilight books in one day each). Know that you’re not going to conquer your burnout in one single hour by listening to a podcast about burnout. You’re not going to magically fix your burnout and regain a sudden burst of passion. Be patient with yourself. Listen to music, listen to a FUN podcast, cook a favorite meal, go to Trader Joe’s, change up your scenery, take a vacation, read a good book that makes you feel good, watch a comfort show … all the while being patient with yourself and honoring your body and its needs. Because burnout is burnout. And when you’re burnt out, you don’t feel like doing anything. So don’t do anything. In your free time. On your rest days. Don’t do anything. Be patient with yourself and ask yourself hard questions during this burnout like what do you need? What do you want when you stop feeling burnt out? What are your goals? 

I hope this blog post helped you. I pray that if it resonated with you, that you know that you’re not alone. As I struggle with burnout sometimes, it helps to know that I’m not the only one. When you’re creative and burned out, then it can be really hard, especially when you have to ideate different ideas and scenarios and stories. Just remember: you got this.