5 Things That I Wish An Older Sister Had Taught Me
I have two older brothers and a loving mom and dad. But there are some instances in my early life that I wish a sister had taught me how to navigate.
Brace Yourselves: Dancing with the Stars Is Returning To Our TV Screens
DWTS has returned, and it’s better than ever.
22 Life Lessons From a 22-Year-Old Gal
Almost through my “TSwift” year, and this year has taken me through some BIG changes. Learn how I navigated these changes and some lessons in my 22nd year.
Be You, Be Passionate, and Do What You Want to Do
It wasn’t until recently when I decided to take life by its horns and start steering it towards the direction I want to take.
Pursuing Kindness and Defeating Old Beauty Standards
I strive to focus on inner beauty rather than outer beauty.
Podcasts I’ve Been Loving
The Morning Toast, Bad on Paper, and more. Listen to these top podcasts I’ve been LOVING.
5 Life Lessons "Friends" Can Teach Every Twentysomething Gal
Friends, the iconic TV show that first came into our hearts in 1994.