Things To Do In The Morning To Set You Up for a Great Day

I’m all for morning and night routines—my night routine, specifically. Maybe I’ll write a blog post on my night routine, because that is something I am truly passionate about. But a morning routine? As much as I love my quiet mornings, I must admit—it’s a bit hard sometimes to motivate myself to keep going in the mornings. Anxiety aside, you will find me clutching my coffee half the time as I’m getting ready most mornings for my 8-4 job.

So, these are things that I do in the mornings, not necessarily every morning, that set me up for a great, productive day. 


I’m admitting right off the bat that I don’t do this every morning. I try to make it a priority every day, and usually I am very good at picking up my Bible each morning instead of my phone. However, I’ve noticed on the days where I don’t pick up my Bible, I find myself more anxious throughout the day. When I do pick up my Bible in the mornings, I find myself happier, well-rested, and eager to complete more tasks on my to-do list. Read just a passage from your Bible and spend intentional quiet time with the Lord. 


Like I mentioned above, I’m usually clutching my coffee as I get ready in the morning. I do have one cup in the morning, but I almost always try to have water next to my bed so I drink it as soon as I wake up. This is KEY because well, hydration, but it also clears my head and helps me to be more focused throughout the day (instead of sluggish, usually when I have more than two cups a day). 


I love podcasts. I love finding new podcasts. On the days where my favorite podcasts (Bad on Paper, Gals on the Go) come out, I immediately listen to them, but sometimes, I’ll put on a new podcast—recommended by Spotify—while I get ready in the bathroom each morning. I don’t have a super long makeup routine, so I’m usually only listening to the first 10 minutes of it, but in most podcasts I listen to, the first 10 minutes are usual chatter and introductions anyway. 

Sometimes, I may not be feeling a podcast so, I would listen to a hype-up playlist or my Christian playlist. 


This can go along with my quiet time, but lately I’ve been trying to make journaling more of a habit instead of a hobby. I’m trying to write down specific goals. Maybe I’m the only one who does this, but I’ll often say my goals out loud to myself, but then always forget by the time I actually want to write them down. So, in the mornings, I’ve been trying to write them down—even if they’re in my Notes app on my phone. I use my Archer & Olive bullet journal to do a brain dump of goals, dreams, and things I want and hope to get done that month, that week, or even that day. 


I’m not one to make a full-on breakfast course in the mornings, partly because I commute to the office and partly because I’m just lazy. I try and grab an on-the-go breakfast, something like a yogurt, granola bar, or bagel with cream cheese. I must admit, some days I don’t eat breakfast and I’m still okay by lunch, but I know that’s not a healthy habit so I’m trying to get better with better, easy breakfast meal ideas. Maybe a blog post on it soon?! 

AND THAT’S IT! These are things that I do in the morning that set me up for a great day. I can’t stress this enough that if I don’t do any of these things, I have a more anxious day where even the smallest thing can ruin my day. But implementing some of these morning routine to-dos has improved my mental health, energy levels, and overall happiness.