the daily dose with liv

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Dancing with Jesus

I'm not motivated. My head is unclear, my brain is mush, and I'm stressed about anything and everything that's been going on in my life recently.

But you know what?

None of that stuff matters.

YES. Your school, your internship, your job, Christmas shopping, finals...that stuff doesn't matter right now because the one thing that truly matters is your heart and that it's filled with the Lord. Because if you have your heart set on the Lord, then everything else will just seem into place. Be like the seatbelt clicking into the seatbelt holder.

OK, I'm really bad at metaphors but you get the picture.

Psalm 19: 7 is beautiful and so simple. "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple."

Refreshing the soul. Wow. He who gives us light in a crowded, dark room refreshes our soul. He who died for our sins refreshes our soul. It is he who refreshes our soul that I dance with every single day.

I’m a huge fan of Dancing with the Stars. Are you? Well, I have to admit, it's one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I love the show-stopping performance including props, costumes, and of course, the original choreography. Each pro partner has to come up with a dance every single week (sometimes two). It’s amazing and you totally should watch it.

But then that goes back to Jesus. And dancing with Jesus. Jesus is my dance partner. He leads me, He guides me through every step of the way, sometimes counting out loud because I'm just that bad of a dancer and I need verbal instructions. Jesus is right there to pick me up when I fall and get me back on that horse.

We want to lead ourselves and constantly choreograph our own life. We want to choreograph our own path when instead we should be following Jesus. Pursuing Jesus. Letting Jesus guide us on our path to righteousness. Because He can lead us to our Creator. And that's the path I want to be on. Dancing with Jesus every step of the way.

When I'm dancing with Jesus, I feel so much better about life. I feel like I'm flying. I feel like I can accomplish anything.