How Do I Hear God’s Voice?

I remember hearing Christians saying, “I heard God tell me...” or “God told me this,” or “I was in my quiet time and God whispered to me...” And I remember thinking, how do I hear God speak? Am I not a good enough Christian because I don’t hear God? How do I hear and listen out for His voice? What does His voice even sound like?

And what do you know, I felt like “doubting Thomas” in the Bible, wondering if I’m even a Christian at all.

But “hearing God speak” isn’t as hard as you think. His voice isn’t this loud voice that echoes in your brain every time you need to make a decision or go through anything. In fact, He’ll probably be silent until He decides to interfere.

If you’re like me, and wonder if you’re doing something wrong by not being able to hear God’s voice, then you’re in the right place. How do we hear God speak? While I say it isn’t as hard as you think, and while it’s not as complicated, you do have to pray for wisdom, guidance, and the ability to listen intently for His voice. I mean c’mon, everything comes back to prayer. That should be our first action in anything, right?

So, how do we hear God speak?

Through His revealed, written word.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1, NIV)

That’s His voice right there! Open your Bible and you can directly hear from God. We hear (and read) directions and instructions right from God, in God’s Word. Some examples are found in Galatians 1:10 (people pleasing), 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (giving thanks), and 1 Peter 2:12-15 (doing good), and those are just a few examples. Because of the finished work on the cross, because of Jesus Christ, we can have direct relationship with the Father and hear directly from Him, through His written word.

We also hear from God by reading and studying Scripture.

Then we try and apply what Scripture says. We can read the verses and passages for our daily reading, but it’s more than just reading it and closing our Bibles and moving along with our day. That doesn’t really change anything within us. To hear God’s voice, we have to let Him speak. You know when you’re having a conversation with a friend, right? Are you just listening to her/him, only listening absentmindedly but you’re really thinking about what you’re going to have for lunch or dinner later? You’re not really listening to your friend; you’re thinking about other things. The same thing with your quiet time—in your quiet time and daily readings, if your heart and soul and mind aren’t open to listening and truly understanding what’s in Scripture, then you’re not really going to hear from God and you may get confused on His voice and confuse it with other things of this world.

So, it’s important that we read, study, and apply God’s word to our lives. Grab a study Bible or a commentary to understand different translations and what Bible scholars have written about the text. Add a secondary reading plan to your quiet time. Above all else, pray. Ask God for wisdom, understanding, and clarity before, during, and after your daily reading. Ask Him to open your heart and mind to understanding His word and hearing His voice.

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14)

This verse focuses on “the leading of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit, when we accept salvation and confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, The Holy Spirit abides in us (John 14). We are led by the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit leads only according to Scripture, coming from God Himself. And we hear God through His written word, so the Holy Spirit will never lead contrary to Scripture. Instead of saying, “God told me to do that,” it’s really saying “God instructed us through this (insert Bible verse).” When we think that God has instructed us to do something, always check with Scripture to make sure it’s God’s voice. His instruction will always be in accordance with Scripture.

Pray and ask for wisdom is another way to hear from God.

Honestly, this should be the number one way, aside from hearing through His written word. I think prayer should be our number one action in anything that we do or face in this world. When we’re facing tough situations, emotions running high, or difficult decisions, prayer should be our number one answer.

James 1:5 (NIV) writes, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

Matthew 6:33 (ESV) writes, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be added to you.”

Ask God for wisdom, understanding, and clarity as you read through His word. In your morning (or evening) quiet time, pray before you begin reading. Ask God in prayer for the wisdom to read, understand, and apply Scripture to your daily life.

We also hear God speak through the wisdom of other people, other wise and godly believers.

Now, sometimes you may hear from Christians who are not in accordance with Scripture. This goes back to knowing God and knowing His word (Scripture memorization helps!). But sometimes, we do hear God speak through godly believers who can be a spiritual mentor.

Are you still struggling with the ability to hear God speak? It’s okay—I understand your feelings. But know that God is there, and He’s excited to meet you in prayer. Most of the time, we won’t “feel” God speak or even hear a big, loud voice, but rather a still, small quiet voice — or maybe nothing at all. God may speak to you through His Word, through actions, or through wise, godly believers. Stay diligent and stand firm in your faith; keep reading and understanding and memorizing Scripture. Stand firm in your faith and know that God loves you and cares for you.