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9 Self-Care Habits to Build Into Your Sunday Routine ✨

Happy Sunday! I love Sundays because they are a day of rest, relaxation, and renewal. For me, I like to treat Sunday as the Sabbath, aka the day of rest — and true biblical rest at that. I’ve started to incorporate self-care into my Sunday. I try to incorporate self-care into every day of the week, but in particular, I try to set aside my “Sunday self-care habits.”

Read in the morning.

I think I’ve found in the past few months that I am a morning reader, not a night reader. The second I climb into bed at bedtime and open my book, my eyelids droop. I’m exhausted and barely have energy to turn the page. However, I’ve made the switch to reading more in the mornings, and specifically, climbing out of bed to my couch to read. I do this not only with my Bible and devotional, but with my “fun” reading too. (Currently reading Pride & Prejudice)

Tidy up the apartment.

I like to do this throughout the week, so this changes, but on Sunday, I like to tidy up my apartment and specific rooms within my apartment (I live in a studio, so this is easy). I do this so I can go in the week with a fresh and tidy space. My mind feels less jumbled when I enter the week with a tidy space.

Go to church on Sunday morning.

Similar to reading my Bible, I like to go to church on Sunday morning. When I skip church, or watch church online (which is perfectly fine!), I am less focused and grounded when I go into the week. Going to church allows me to feel more refreshed, centered, and grounded throughout the week. I’m reminded of how important a biblical church and church community is, and it focuses my heart on what truly matters.

Spend time outside.

It’s unbearably hot outside right now. When it’s fall, I’ll spend more time outside but in the summertime, I still try and get outside more. I walk my dog for at least 30 minutes in the morning and a longer walk in the afternoon. Spending time outside, especially on a Sunday, is crucial for self-care.

Do something I love.

For me, this is either reading or creative writing. Exercising my creative mind fuels my creative spirit and I just feel a lot better when I do. No pressure to finish a book or no pressure to write 30,000 words — I just do what I love. Do something that you love to do — this can be playing a sport outside with your friends, go thrifting or shopping, go to a museum, go to Trader Joe’s. Do something that you love and make sure that it brings you joy!

Don’t think about work.

Or school. Avoid checking your email or schedule. Now — I get making your schedule for the week on Sunday evening. To avoid this, try setting your schedule for the week on the Friday before the weekend. Write out your to-do list, any upcoming events/meetings, and anything else that may come up on that Friday. That way, you won’t have to think about work or school on Sunday! You can relax (and spend more time taking care of yourself).

Move your body.

Don’t put so much pressure to do this. This can go with the point of spending time outside on a walk! But if you like a workout class, try something like Pilates or Yoga that can also work on breathing and meditation. (I don’t take Pilates, so I’m only assuming that it involves breathing techniques.) Take a dance class. These are fun and less pressure to “exercise” and instead focus on moving your body.

Don’t be afraid to be lazy.

Move your body, but don’t be afraid to be lazy. If you want to catch up on your favorite show on Sunday, or binge-watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order, DO IT! Don’t fall into the trap that you have to be productive on Sundays to set you up for a great week. This is the day of rest … and you can be lazy.

Delete social media apps.

In fact, try and stay off your phone. I get this — I’ve only done this a couple of times myself. But try and limit your social media usage. Take a Sabbath from social media and enjoy life outside your phone.

My biggest tip is to incorporate these habits one-by-one. Don’t try to do these all at once (or do, it’s up to you!) because you’ll burn out. Do what makes you happy and feel refreshed on a Sunday. Remember: rest is crucial to stay healthy!